The Farley Hill Village Society
The Farley Hill Village Society

Join the FHVS event email list - just point your phone at the QR code or click to subscribe.

Every Friday evening


The FHVS run a bar every Friday evening from 7pm. Keen prices, good beer/lager/wine/soft drinks and convivial socialising. Rebellion beer on tap. Alcohol-free beer, tea, coffee. All welcome.





27th September - Quiz Night!

Quiz and a Ploughman's supper.


25th October - Louisiana Cookup

Some Cajun cooking to warm you up on a cold October night.


15th November - Pot Luck Supper

Bring food to share. Theme to be announced soon


13th December - Christmas Party


Further events will be listed here in the near future, please check back soon!




The hall is available for hire at The Victory Hall web site.



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©2014-24 The Farley Hill Village Society