The Farley Hill Village Society
The Farley Hill Village Society

Welcome to Farley Hill


The Farley Hill Village Society was founded in 2009 and runs regular social events at The Victory Hall, Church Road, Farley Hill.

Everyone is welcome at all of our events and every Friday from 7pm when the bar is open. If you've just moved into the area, drop in and say hello.


Annual membership for 2024/5 (April to March) is £40 per adult or £75 for two adults at the same address. Under 18s are welcome and do not need to join.


To join the FHVS, please download and complete the form below then send it to us or bring along to the hall on a Friday evening from 7pm. You will get discounts on events, of course, but the main purpose is to support the hall.


FHVS Membership form (Word)
Use to join the FHVS and also to allow us to reclaim tax
FHVS Gift Aid Form 2024.docx
Microsoft Word document [20.3 KB]
FHVS Membership form (PDF)
Use to join the FHVS and also to allow us to reclaim tax
FHVS Gift Aid Form 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [186.8 KB]

We are located at:


The Victory Hall

Church Road, Farley Hill



Contact us today!

If you would like to join the society and/or attend an event, please email us:


To hire The Victory Hall for your own event, go to the hall's web site

The Victory Hall website

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©2014-25 The Farley Hill Village Society